A part from ICL help international
together with POC (power of change) Vietnam and India


 Introductory Course
Faith, Counselling, Psychology — The Holistic Nature of Man.
The five Life Style Aspects of the individual. Psychological principles in light of God's Word. The biblical concept of the world and of man. Self-concept, self-esteem, self-acceptance. Concept of others. Finality and Life Style. Learned patterns of behaviour. 

Attendance at the Introductory Course is compulsory for participation in the Basic Courses.

Basic Courses
B1 Significance of the Family of Origin
Family influence and its effect. Sibling constellation. Roles within the family. Relationship patterns. Family values. Family atmosphere. Non-verbal messages. Relationship with God. The conscience — shaping

Biblical processes of growth and maturity.

B2 Character Structures
Discovering personal character structure with its strengths and weaknesses. The effect of personality structure on relationships, partnerships, ways of life. Self-acceptance. Freedom, responsibility,

Jesus, the "l AM": getting to know more of God's character.

B3 Communication in Counselling
Basic principles for the counselling session. Initial session. Communication techniques. Empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence. Active listening through mirroring. Non-verbal communication. Communication killers and facilitators. 

I-Messages. Jesus' method of communication.

B4 Life Style Correction and Adults' Mistaken Goals
Social equality. Adult's mistaken goals. Life Style correction — approaches, requirements, finding a "middle ground", new motivation. Benefit and price of correction. Change of heart/attitude instead of combating
symptoms. The importance of forgiveness, repentance and restitution in the process of reorientation and change. Assisting the correction process.

B5 Encouragement
Strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence. The feeling of inferiority — early childhood discouragement and compensation. Self-esteem and community feeling. Becoming an encourager — the art of living as an
encouraged person. 

Encouragement through God's affirmation and care. Encouraging truths.

B6 Parenting and Child Guidance — Children 3—12 years
Encouragement in upbringing — foundation for healthy personality development. Style of family and upbringing. The child's mistaken goals. Handling disruptive behaviour. Social equality. Sense of belonging through making a contribution. Encouragement instead of praise. Logical consequences instead of punishment. Esteeming, consequence. 

Parents as encouragers — biblical perspectives. Courage to be imperfect.

B7 Dealing with Feelings
Feelings — driving force and fuel for our actions. Responsibility — making choices instead of compensating. Promoting strengths. Coping with feelings. Guilt feelings. Hurt feelings. Assessing Life Style using projective
techniques — "The Boat Narrative". 

Finding meaning and identity. Becoming whole within God's covenant. My identity in Christ.

B8 Prayer Counselling
Healing the personality. Personality types & values. 

Rebuilding the personality. Procedure for prayer time.